Sunday, 30 December 2012


Human Genome project (HGP) is an international project whose principal goal was to sequence the entire human genome. The National Centre for Human Genome Research(NCHGR) was established in the United States in 1989 by James D. Watson, and subsequently by Francis Collins. It was a 13 years project coordinated by the U.S. Department of energy and the national institutes of health.

HGP researchers have deciphered the human genome in following ways:
  • To develop a high resolution genetic map of the human genome,
  • To produce a variety of physical maps of all human chromosomes and of the DNA of selected model organisms (ie, Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans), Drosophila and the laboratory mouse.
  • To determine a complete sequence of human DNA and the DNA of model organimsms.
  • To Develop capabilities for collecting, storing, distributing, and analysing  the data produced
  • To create the appropriate innovative and high risk techniques necessary to achieve these objectives.
  • To develop programs to address the understanding of the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of the HGP.
Genome is the entire DNA in an organism, including its genes. Human genome is made up of 23 chromosomes pairs with a total of 2.9 billion base pairs encoding approximately 20,000 to 25,000 genes. All human cells except for mature red blood cells contain a complete genome.
Genes are specific sequences of bases that encode instructions for making proteins. Genes comprises of only 2% of the human genome, the remainder consists of non coding regions. An average gene consists of 3000 bases, but sizes vary greatly with the largest known human gene being dystrophin at 2.4 million bases.
In 2002 some facts about the human genome project was found as:
Ø  The number of genes is almost one third of the expected, about as many as lower organisms and fewer than some
Ø  Human genes are able to encode more proteins than the genes of lower organisms.
Ø  Human proteins are more complex than the protein of similar functions in lower organisms.
Ø  Human genes are not arranged evenly; the ends of chromosomes are more tightly packed.
Ø  About 200 human genes arrived in the mammalian genome directly from bacteria
Ø  Only about 2.5 % of human DNA encodes proteins. Some of the DNA that does not encode genes probably has important functions
Ø  The mutation rate in male is twice than in female
Ø  All human are 99.9% identical in terms of their nucleotide sequence. All the ethnic groups share most genetic differences.

The objective of HGP is helpful in providing scientists with a powerful tool to help them understand the molecular essence of tragic and devastating illness such as schizophrenia, alcoholism, Alzheimer disease, and manic depression. This has lead to improved approaches to predict increased risk, provide early detection, and promote more effective treatment strategies.

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
The Human Genome Project has helped to inform us about how remarkably similar all human beings are—99.9% at the DNA level. About 99.9 % of nucleotide bases are exactly the same in all the people. However, this 0.1 % variation of genome within population is currently a focus of intense research, because the data will provide information about increased susceptibility or resistances to diseases. The most common variations are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). When two haploid genomes are compared, SNPs occur every kilobase, on average, other kinds of sequence variation such as copy number changes, insertions, deletions, duplications, and rearrangements also exist, but at low frequency and their distribution is poorly understood.
SNPs are abundant, stable, widely distributed across the genome. SNPs offer the highest resolution for tracking disease genes and population history. SNPs have potential for mapping complex traits such as cancer, diabetes, and mental illness. Therefore, SNP maps are desirable for identifying genes that make a small contribution to disease risk. In some instances, such maps will also permit predict of individual differences in drug response.

The constellation of all proteins in a cell is called its proteome. Unlike the relatively unchanging genome, the dynamic proteome changes from minute to minute in response to tens of thousands of intra and extra cellular environmental signals. A protein’s chemistry and behaviour are specified by the gene sequence and by the number and identities of other proteins made in the same cell at the same time. This explains how over a million of modified proteins can exist when the entire human genome codes for less than 30,000 genes.

Human Genome Project in Clinical medicine
Technology and resources promoted by the Human Genome Project are starting to have profound impacts on biomedical research and promise to revolutionize the wider spectrum of biological research and clinical medicine.
Some current and potential applications of genome research include
  • Molecular medicine
  • Risk assessment
  • DNA forensics (identification)
The main aim of human genome project is its applications in molecular medicine. Genomic information helps researches to design drugs targeted at specific pathways involved in the disease. With correct genomic information, doctors can deliver correct drugs and drug dosages that are most likely to work well. These drugs are believed to work better and cause fewer side effects than current treatments. Gene based drugs in the treatment of leukaemia and other cancers have already started to pay off.

Understanding the human genome will have an enormous impact on the ability to assess risks posed to individuals by exposure to toxic agents. Scientists know that genetic differences make some people more susceptible and others more resistant to such agents. Therefore genomic information are valuable source of predicting disease so that more attention is paid for preventing that disease. For instance: if the genome contains variations that raise the risk of heart disease, people might exercise more and take drugs that lower cholesterol.

Understanding genomics will help us understand human evolution and the common biology we share with all of life. Comparative genomics between humans and other organisms such as mice already has led to similar genes associated with diseases and traits. Further comparative studies will help determine the yet-unknown function of thousands of other genes.
Understanding genomics provides valuable source is DNA forensics. It can be used to identify potential suspects whose DNA may match evidence left at crime scenes and to exonerate persons wrongly accused of crimes.
 It can also be used in establishing paternity and other family relationships.
 Another advantage of studying human genome is to match organ donors with recipients in transplant programs.